How do I check the status of my order?

Please tap on “My Orders” section under main menu of Website to check your order status.

How can I check if Little Dolly delivers to my PIN Code?

You can find out if Little Dolly delivers to your PIN Code using the courier serviceability tool available on the product page. Please tap on “Check Delivery options” and enter your area PIN code in the respective field to get the required information about standard order delivery time and availability of Cash on Delivery for the Product selected. The PIN codes serviced by us are frequently updated, so if we do not deliver to your PIN code today, please
come back and check to see if this has changed.

How are orders placed on Little Dolly delivered to me?

All orders placed on Little Dolly are dispatched through our own courier service - Little Dolly Logistics or through other courier partners such as Blue Dart, Delivery Etc.

Does Little Dolly deliver products outside India?

No. At this point, Little Dolly delivers products only within India.

How can I get my order delivered faster?

Sorry, currently we do not have any service available to expedite the order delivery. In future, if we are offering such service and your area pin code is serviceable, you will receive a communication from our end.

I have received a partial item/partial order or an Untenanted/Void packet?

Kindly reach out to us for pilferage within 72 hours of delivery failing which the claim will not be entertained. Whilst we investigate, request you to please make note of the below pointers:

Please do not use the item for which claim is being raised.

You may be required to information’s like, short description of the case (A few questions will be asked to help us understand the scenario) 

The snapshots of the packet and other boxes (If any) (Try to cover the sides which look tampered/damaged as per the Users

The refund for prepaid/Cash on delivery orders will be done after the investigation

You may not be liable for a refund, if he/she falls in any of the scenarios stated below:

Failure to provide adequate information about the case.
Failure to provide snapshots of the packet and box (if any)
If a pilferage delivery was received, pilferage claims must be made the same day.
You must not dispose of the packaging for 3 - 4 days post - delivery. We might need to pickup your packaging for investigation at our end.
You have used the item for which claim was raised.

In case of a component missing from a multi-component item such as Kurta, Bed - sheets, inner wear sets etc. Only exchange return option would be provided basis serviceability and product type

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